do your practice.

Truthfulness is a practice.

The word for it in Sanskrit is Satya.
This endeavor goes well beyond just speaking words out of your mouth that are honest and accurate. Truthseeking is an inward journey that will require your whole self - your mind, your body and your spirit. It is well worth the quest and the work that is needed.

Let’s do it together.

Registration for the 2024 Jamaican Yoga Retreat is NOW OPEN!


click above to view

  • Retreats

  • Teaching Schedule

  • Workshops



1 -on- 1

a great option for anyone new to yoga, athletes, or those who have specific needs that require special attention


2-10 students

intended for smaller group practices, typically with students who already have an established yoga practice


20+ Students

perfect for businesses who are interested in offering yoga as a Health and Wellness option for their employees or for special events

Student’s Voices

“Practicing with Trudi leads you home to yourself. She knows how to connect with you—even over Zoom—and helps you create the space, movement and time to breathe and create harmony in your day and overall life.  A practice with Trudi is living in that moment and living in yourself and all its potential. I’ve be practiced with many different yogis and would love a chance to practice with her today!” — Lawrence B.

“I have been consistently practicing yoga for about 10 years, and Trudi is my favorite teacher during that entire time! I joined her private group yoga 11 months ago, and it has been incredibly lifegiving for me, especially during this emotional, stressful season of the Covid-19 pandemic. Trudi has a deep-rootedness and from this very settled, accepting, mindful place she leads you through a transformative yoga experience. My body always feels like I had a day at the spa after yoga with Trudi! And more importantly, my mind feels renewed, refreshed, and strong.” — Kim G.

I've had the good fortune to attend Trudi's classes for years. Each time I can always count on a very deliberate, challenging, and well thought out sequence and a challenging peak pose. I have learned a ton from Trudi about alignment and the architecture of the body in and in-between poses. Outside of the practice directly, her classes have helped me realize how I can better apply yogic practices in my other athletic pursuits as well as life in general. I could not recommend her more highly. If you’ve read this far into this review you’re already wasting time where you could have already been signed up and benefiting from her teaching. Do it! — Jason A.

“As an older yogi with knee issues, I have appreciated Trudi's understanding of my body's limitations. Even with a studio class full of University students, she offers alternatives in an empowering way. Her classes are definitely a no-judgment zone. I have also taken classes with Trudi on a weekly basis with a private group for almost 5 years. I remain awed by her physiology knowledge (which makes me feel safe doing the postures), all the while acknowledging the emotional.” — Roberta J.

all is coming.

Let’s Connect

The benefits of establishing and engaging in a regular yoga practice are countless. I’d be honored to be a guide as you pursue your life more mindfully and truthfully.