Please browse through some of the photos from our time in these idyllic settings. Then subscribe to the mailing list at the bottom of the page to be first to hear news of upcoming retreats and how you can join one!


September 5-9, 2024

Indigo Nature Retreat - Old Fort, North Carolina

A completely different scenery and geographical location set a magnificent stage energetically for this retreat. Nestled in the remoteness of the North Carolina mountains, our yoga practices were enveloped in lush greenery and the sounds of a stream that were equally kinetic and calm, over a magical bridge where mandala flows became natural. We drifted off to sleep in beautifully appointed cabins alongside a melodic creek - where most did not miss the opportunity to take a few cold plunges.

As was intentioned, attendees looked deeply into their outward expressions of Love, Care, Compassion and Respect to examine the same when each one considered how they extend these practices toward themSelf, personally. I know deep thoughts were provoked and written out as were eyes-opened and perspectives reinforced, shifted, if not “new lenses” installed all together. This authentic group spent much time connecting with one another through a whole lot of laughter and their own truth-telling.

These memories made will be cherished forever, I have no doubt!

*curated and co-led with Donna Kell of BE YOGA studio

“We all need to take more time, spending time, in nature and in self care”

— S.H. (USA)


February 15th -19th, 2024

Kotch Villas - Treasure Beach, Jamaica W.I.

We can get disconnected from our inner wisdom in the midst of living of our lives. This retreat was designed to steer each attendee back in the direction of remembering and trusting their own innate intuition. The guidance offered was intended to strengthen their connectivity and deepen their self-belief in their entire being and its high intelligence. Through yin, vinyasa, concentration, meditation, seva, somatic therapies, extended time in the natural landscapes of Jamaica, healthy and freshly prepared meals throughout the day and a deep soundbath session, each person invested and immersed themselves in an experience that led to re-awakenings.

The sounds of the sea and birds, along with the sun and the ocean breeze on the southern Jamaican shores created an environment and energy that allowed this group to tap into their own powerful and sage “Knowing” while supporting one another with compassion and genuineness.

It was an honor to be present and a part of it all!

*curated and co-led with Donna Kell of BE YOGA studio

"I have been working on healing shame in my life. Brené Brown says in The Power of Vulnerability that speaking your shame out loud and receiving empathy is the only way to heal shame. During the retreat I was able to share some shame that I carried and I received empathy from everyone. Since I have been back home I have noticed how much this helped me in my healing journey.”

— D.W. (USA)

The whole experience was perfect. I felt cared for at all times. The house, the beach, my room and the food were perfect! The staff were professional, kind and attentive. I felt safe and comfortable at all times. The yoga, sound bath, mediations and conversations allowed me time to be present and to be with myself......overall I left refreshed, rejuvenated and with clarity on my next steps + priorities. And I enjoyed everyone who attended with me. … One feeling I'm holding, is a feeling of being connected. It is very easy for me to disconnect. On the retreat, I felt validated and understood, which left me with an energy to engage more and not worry about how I'm seen by others.

— J.C. (USA)


November 9th - 13th, 2023

Kotch Villas - Treasure Beach, Jamaica W.I.

The intention was set for this offering to be light, fun and breezy. As each individual registered it was clear that several were wading through a current circumstance of their life that was undoubtedly heavy and difficult, to say the least. This fact did not shift the focus but the awareness informed the practices and conversations, meeting each other exactly where they were at.

The guided sessions were centered around acknowledging the “hard” as well as giving permission and validity to the ever-present wisdom within. Each practice, (whether asana, meditation, silence or seva) was thoughtfully designed to provide tools to actively raise the vibrations and move one’s energy to higher frequency and better state … when ready; nothing forced, mandated or manufactured.

It was an AMAZING five days, to understate it.

"During and after the retreat, I felt a lightness enter my spirit and and accessibility to joy that had been previously blocked. I am grateful for the time and encouragement for reflection.”

— L.B. (USA)

“Trudi facilitated a warm and accepting atmosphere for healing and growth practices; yoga, self- reflection, consideration of one's responsibility to the larger community, somatic work. I found myself really listening to my body and what it needs; water, fire, dancing, laughter, music. The stunning beauty of the Caribbean Sea and time in the water allowed me to reconnect with what I learned is called Pranayama, Life Force.

Magical, big magic in my life - pinch myself.”

— C.E. (USA)


June 12th-16th, 2023

Kotch Villas - Treasure Beach, Jamaica W.I.

This Professional Development Summit was co-led with Dr. Kellie C Pope, PhD, LCP, CYT-Trauma Focused. Over five days and 4 nights, we presented the science behind how several practices within the system of yoga can lead your team members towards an integrated work-life existence.

Our schedule included sessions in Somatic Movement, Breath Attunement and Sensory Awareness. We provided practical tools for achieving a mindful and harmonious experience intended to enrich each attendee's life long after their time On Summit.

Stay tuned for when we announce the dates of our next offering!

"This experience was the most meaningful our team has ever attended. The combination of research-based information on the mind-body connection, mindful practices, and self-reflection on work-life harmony has had a profound positive impact on everyone individually and in relation to each other in the workplace. The setting, the cultural connection, and the knowledgeable, caring guidance by Trudi and Kellie create a truly unique opportunity for growth that leaders would be wise to invest in.”

— F.A. (USA)

“Trudi & Kellie were a dream team. Their care about each individual and our team was felt from before to after the summit experience. Their knowledge is deep and they have great passion to share it. Thoughtful details were integrated and practical skills were provided in each session. I wish all organizations could enjoy such an experience and I can't wait for us to do it again.”

— J.M. (USA)


November 10th - 14th, 2022

Kotch Villas - Treasure Beach, Jamaica W.I.

We spent another five amazing days on the shores of Treasure Beach, Jamaica at the Beachfront Private Villas, Peeniwalli and Steppa, of the Kotch Collection.

Our intention for this retreat was to practice pausing, resting and just being. Our slower days were punctuated by light vinyasa, meditation (including a water one), yin, yoga nidra, and seva sessions. Our guests found personal growth with the permission to relax and accept (or decline) the invitations for either movement or stillness. Another day excursion to the beautiful and lush YS Falls offered not only tranquility, but also the opportunity for adventure for those who were seeking it!

“I feel that I have become more mindful of the "small things" in my practice (really focusing on bandhas). … I felt so rejuvenated and refreshed after the retreat!”

— M.G. (USA)

I do feel different now back at home. More recharged and present with my family.

— Unnamed (USA)


November 17th - 21st, 2021

Kotch Villas - Treasure Beach, Jamaica W.I.

We had an amazing five days on the shores of Treasure Beach, Jamaica at the Beachfront Private Villa, Peeniwalli, of the Kotch Collection.

Against the backdrop of some spectacular sunrises, sunsets and the peaceful Caribbean Sea we practiced vinyasa, meditation, yin, yoga nidra, and seva. Our intimate group found both connection and personal renewal in one of the most magical places on Earth. There was also enough time to enjoy fun and restoration on our day excursion to the beautiful and lush YS Falls.

“I felt two significant shifts. I felt joy again and was able to access it during practice and bring it home. Also, I was able to release some long pent up hurts that allowed me to access my spirituality again. These are invaluable gifts that I can bring back into my day to day and I can never thank you enough.”

— L.O. (USA)

I needed to disconnect in order to get right with me and then reconnect [here]. I think the disconnecting from the daily stressors and obligations, including my phone, allowed me to regroup and reenter my daily responsibilities without them feeling like stressors. Covid has been hard on my experience of yoga. Being reminded of the connection I feel when practicing with others was probably the most important thing I walked away with…

— S. S. (USA)


September 13 -15, 2019

Serenbe - Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia USA

Attendees deepened both their internal and external bonds over an amazing weekend in the picturesque Georgia countryside wellness community, Serenbe.

During the first half the retreat rich and guided introspective practices were offered. This laid the groundwork for the second half of the retreat where authentic outer connections were made and community created. Ample unstructured time was woven into the experience encouraging our invitation to unplug from the everyday busyness of daily life. Delicious farm-to-table meals were a part of the opportunity to practice Presence and to Hold Space with others.

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