Retreats in Jamaica:

Frequently Asked Questions

Are the retreats open to All Levels of practice?

Yes, all levels are welcome including beginners. Please provide this information and anything else relevant on your Registration Form. 


Which styles of yoga will we be practicing?

We will be offering instruction in Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative, Meditation and Yoga Nidra yoga as well as an opportunity to practice Seva during the retreat.


Which airport should I fly to and from?

Please fly into Sangsters International Airport in Montego Bay. It is approximately a 2 hour drive from the airport to Kotch Villas and we have made a group booking to transport you from the airport directly to the Villas. This cost has been included in your retreat price. If you should need to arrive or depart from Norman Manley Airport in Kingston, please let me know.


What time zone is Jamaica in?

Jamaica falls within the Eastern Time Zone (UTC/GMT -5 Hours) and does not observe Daylight Savings Time. At approximately 18 degrees north of the equator, the island falls within the tropics, and as such does not experience drastic seasonal changes in sunrise and sunset times. Year-round, the island averages between 11.5 and 12.5 hours of sunlight per day.

What time should I arrive/ depart from the airport?

Your arrival in Montego Bay should be no later than 2:30pm to allow for the time it takes to go through Customs. Your departure from Montego Bay should not be earlier than 5:30pm on the final day.


Should I purchase Travel Insurance?

While no one books a retreat with the intention of cancelling, uncontrollable and unexpected life events do occur. It is strongly recommended that you purchase travel/ trip cancellation insurance to ensure your trip fees will be covered in a case where you need to cancel your retreat.

What is your refund policy?

Please be aware that there is a non-refundable deposit amount applied to all payments that reserve your spot on retreat. Other monies paid, less the designated deposit amount, are refundable up to 90 days before the retreat is scheduled to begin. Should you choose to cancel within 90 days of the start of the retreat, NO refunds will be given except in the event of natural disaster or if any travel restrictions are imposed by a government or law enforcement agency that restrict travel due to Covid-19, an epidemic disease or illness suddenly affecting the region. Please also note that spaces for our retreats have been intentionally limited. If the minimum number of participants is not fulfilled 30 days prior to the start date of the retreat, and I choose to reschedule the retreat, all monies paid will be refunded to you. If you’re in need of a “In-Three-Payments Plan”, please contact Trudi to organize this option.

Any updates to our policy regarding the outbreak of a disease, and the scope of policy application, will be determined based on announcements by the World Health Organization and/ or local authorities and will be relayed to you via email. 

Will I need to bring my mat and any other props?

If your preference is to practice on your own mat, please feel free to bring yours, however there will be mats available at the villas.. You will be assigned a block, blanket and bolster to use personally for the entirety of the retreat.

Do I have to participate in every yoga session and activity?

With the intention of your full participation in mind, your retreat has been designed to create an experience that helps grow you and your practice. However, I wholly support your discernment about your own personal needs and any decisions you make with regards to your energy expenditure. You can, and should, pace yourself to do as much, or as little, as is right for you. 

What types of spaces will we be practicing in?

All spaces are well ventilated, either being completely outdoor or with the indoor spaces having the capability to open wide to the outside.

Is it safe to drink water from the faucets?

All drinking water in Jamaica is purified and filtered by modern methods. The water is safe for you to drink, clean your teeth, bath and wash clothing in. There are also many brands of Jamaican spring water that meet or exceed the highest international standards and is used by Kotch Properties. It is highly recommended and appreciated if you bring a long your own personal refillable water bottle for use and in consideration of reducing the use of plastics.

Are coffee and tea readily available throughout the day?

The suites at Kotch have kitchen and kitchenette facilities for self-serve coffee and tea. Peeniwalli and Steppa villas will provide coffee and tea stations in the main area. Please also feel free to make any requests directly with the staff.

Do the rooms at Kotch include shampoo, conditioner and body lotion?

Each room has hand soap and body soap provided. Please bring any other toiletries you would like to have during your retreat.

What type of cuisine will be served ?

The menu includes three freshly prepared meals daily with mainly authentically Jamaican dishes. Bright, aromatic and flavorful would be great descriptions for Jamaican cuisine. If you indicated a dietary restriction or preference with your registration, the friendly kitchen staff and chefs will see to it that accommodations are made for your meals specifically.

What are the electrical outlet equivalents?

The electrical supply in Jamaica is 110 volts/50 cycles standard, and electrical appliances use plugs that are two-pronged and flat (such as those used in the United States and Canada). Bring along any adaptors of convertors you might need if this doesn’t suit some of your appliances and chargers.

Jamaica has its own currency, do most establishments and services require Jamaican dollars?

Any amenities not included with your registration can be paid the day of and directly to the service provider(s). Cash is preferred and most services accept US Dollars. Please be aware that the official currency exchange rates vary daily. A best practice when traveling overseas is to limit the amount of cash you carry at any given time. As Treasure Beach is a more remote part of the island, ATMs are not readily available and often only accept cards affiliated with Jamaican banks. There is a Currency Exchange Booth right outside of the Customs Area before Baggage Claim at the airport if you wish to have some Jamaican Dollars on hand.

Is it customary to tip in Jamaica?

The villas are staffed with a chef, housekeepers and 24/7 caretaker. Gratuity is included in the cost of your retreat, however, if you feel led to go above and beyond that in response to the service you receive while on the island, it would be considered a much appreciated and kind gesture to be left directly with any service provided to you.